
Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
Ajahn Brahmali | What Is Meditation All About - The Armadale Meditation Group
Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
Ajahn Brahmali firstly describes what meditation is all about, nothing weird, nothing too complicated. Ajahn encourages us to watch what is happening in our own mind as we meditate to see what we are thinking about. This will allow us to establish what we personally prioritise in our lives. We will often find that the things we personally prioritise such as work, hobbies and our terrible boss, are the things hindering our meditation. By identifying what is actually distracting us, what we have unknowingly made our first priority, we can shift our thinking to things that will improve our entire lives. Compassion for ourselves and our families.
Ajahn then guided us in a 30 minute meditation well suited to beginners and the more experienced of us [everyone
benefits from a refresher now and then].
After the meditation Ajahn continued the talk of the need for us all to have a long-term investment in meditation and our inner world. He said how important it is that we care for and develop our inner reactions to the world rather than spending so much time trying to collect possessions, change the world or grumble about the things we cannot change.
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